Dewatering Services

We’ll temporarily remove the groundwater from your site using our extensive line of wellpoints to tackle the most challenging geological conditions. This process known as dewatering aims to lower and maintain the existing groundwater table to lower the water so you’re able to excavate the area in dry and stable conditions. Atlas offers an extensive line of wellpoint and educator pressure relief systems to accommodate any dewatering needs. Upon request, we’ll even assist you applying for a permit to take water (PTW) and ensure your site is in compliance with the Ministry of Environment.

Customized to Meet your Needs

There is no universal solution when it comes to dewatering. We’ll use pump tests, hydraulic analysis, reviews of hydrogeological reports and flow analysis to customize a system that most efficiently meets your construction needs.

Overview of a wellpoint system with Atlas Dewatering Company equipment inside

WellPoint Systems

WellPoint Dewatering is used to lower the water table in excavations using multiple shallow wells called wellpoints, which are installed around the excavation at a certain depth.

This system is capable of pumping high volumes of water and utilizes a vacuum to pump water and stabilize the surrounding soil mass. It also provides an economical solution as the wellpoints can be installed at close spacing or in multiple layers to address variable soils types.

Atlas Dewatering Company truck driving next to eductors


Eductor dewatering is designed to help control pore water pressure in low permeability soils, making this method ideal for projects with silt and fine sand.

This method requires wells to be drilled to help lower the groundwater level and used in deep applications. Eductors then take the air in the wells and use it to create suction.

Construction vehicles in town alley digging a hole.

Gravity “Deep Well” Systems

A heavyweight system ideal for pumping high volumes of water and suitable for dewatering thick formations of course, highly transmissive soil. The Deep Well System method is most often used to remove water from pervious sand or rock formations beneath an excavation.

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